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Teacher Professional Standards and Competences.
Teaching Professional Standards are statements that promote professional teaching by describing the professional knowledge, competencies, classroom skills and ethics that teachers need to know and be able to do during their professional career to provide learners with knowledge-rich learning opportunities. In other words, this is the norm or typical level of performance expected of a teacher or school leader.
Competences are complex sets consisting of knowledge, skills, practice, values, attitudes and desires which demonstrates the capacity of a teacher or school leader to performing a task in a given learning environment leading to improved learning outcomes.
The Teaching Standards and Competences are central to professionalizing teaching in that they play a crucial role in determining the quality of learning. They guide the practicing teacher in terms of professional knowledge and understanding, professional skills, practice and abilities as well as professional values, attributes and personal commitment, professional partnerships and professional leadership expected of them. In using these, the teacher should get information on how to evaluate and reflect upon their own professional practice and determine professional development gaps that should form their personal continuing professional development.
The Council is in the process of developing the Teacher Professional Standards and Competences.
Code of Ethics
Pursuant to Part II, Section 5 (g) and (h), the Botswana Teaching Professional Council shall develop a Code of Ethics for teachers as well as monitor adherence to the Code of Ethics.
The code of ethics will sets out BOTEPCO’s ethical guidelines and best practices to follow for honesty, integrity, and professionalism in the teaching profession. Central to the Code shall be the teachers’ responsibilities and ethical behaviour towards the learners in ensuring that the learners receive a fair honest and uncompromising quality education.
The Code shall include statements relating to the relationship the teachers should have with the State; the BOTEPCO; the learners; the employer; other teachers and support staff; the teaching profession, parents of learners and the community.
Continuing Professional Development of Teachers
According to Part II, Section 5 (m) of the BOTEPCO Act, the Council shall promote continuing education, training and professional development of teachers. The continuing education, training and professional development of teachers should consist of activities and programmes developed and put in place for the on-going revitalization and development of teachers or on-going opportunities, activities and programmes that are meant to develop teachers’ skills, knowledge, expertise and other teacher characteristics.
The Continuing Professional Development covers the enriching experiences a teacher has as a result of his/her professional engagements with teaching and related activities. For a school leader, this entails regular updating of best practices in management and leadership of professional knowledge, practice and values as well as the transformation of human and material resources of the school as an organization.
Teacher Registration and licensing
Section 5 mandates BOTEPCO to regulate teaching through an official process of accepting teachers into the teaching profession through registration and licensing based on a recognised teacher qualification. BOTEPCO will determine the criteria and procedures for registration as well as consider and decide on any application for registration.
Part VII Section 27 speaks to registration and it states that a person shall not be employed or practice as a teacher unless that person is registered with the Council and has issued with a teaching license. Sections 28, 29,30 states that:
All applications for registration are to be made to the Council in the prescribed form;
The application is to be accompanied by a prescribed fee and such documentation and information as may be prescribed;
The Council may determine different categories of registration
Once a teacher has been registered, the Council shall issue a teaching license to the teacher valid for 36 months from the date of registration if the teacher is a non-citizen and for a period not exceeding 60 months from the date of registration for citizens
The Council shall maintain an official Register of teachers who have fulfilled the registration and licensing requirements to teach in Botswana. All non-complaint or deregistered teachers shall be published in the Gazette annually at the beginning of the year.