BOTEPCO Engages Ntlo Ya Dikgosi

BOTEPCO Engages Ntlo Ya Dikgosi


Botswana Teaching Professionals Council (BOTEPCO) in its continued quest to drive its mandate of professionalizing teaching had the privilege of briefing the 4th Ntlo Ya Dikgosi’s 15th Meeting that was held on Tuesday 23rd January, 2024 at Phakalane Golf Estate Hotel Resort in Gaborone.

In his presentation the Registrar Dr. Raphael Dingalo stated  that the main objective of the inaugural briefing was to extend BOTEPCO Stakeholder Engagement activities to cover Community Leadership as it helps in building involvement and a sense of continuation to a new future. Dr. Dingalo further stated that there is need to plan adequately to include all relevant parties and to allow them to discuss, understand and internalise the Mandate of BOTEPCO highlighting that,

“As a council we will continue updating Borara on further developments and beg your indulgence to assist  in arranging meetings with your communities to further brief the locals on BOTEPCO’s mandate.”



The Chairperson of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi, Kgosi Puso Gaborone highlighted the importance  and objectives of the BOTEPCO’s briefing to Ntlo ya Dikgosi which Borara appreciated through their participation in the Q & A session.


For his part the Ntlo Ya Dikgosi Deputy Chairperson Kgosi Tshipe Tshipe applauded  the Government for the establishment of BOTEPCO stating that it will go a long way in professionalising the teaching fraternity for the betterment of the  nation. Kgosi Tshipe commended BOTEPCO for its engagement with  Ntlo Ya Dikgosi which was elaborate and informative. He  urged fellow members of Ntlo Ya Dikgosi to avail facilities in their various Dikgotla to allow for online registration of teachers as per the ideals of the digital transformation drive.

Botswana Teaching Professionals Council’s mission is to professionalise teaching by promoting the highest standards of professional conduct and practice to advance the attainment of Quality Education.

Botepco’s Stakeholder engagement: Building a Cohesive vision

Botepco’s Stakeholder engagement: Building a Cohesive vision

Message from the founding Registrar Dr.Raphael Dingalo

Engaging with stakeholders is crucial to the success of any organization. Robust consultation adds insight into the operating environment, the market place, trends, user /customer need, and growth opportunities, as well as to a vision of the organisations future. As a relatively new organisation, BOTEPCO is doubling its efforts at stakeholder engagement to promote buy-in from the myriad of our stakeholders. We have developed a solid stakeholder mapping exercise that is dependent on three critical principles: responsiveness; completeness and materiality.

Our stakeholder engagement strategy and initiatives assist us with different perspectives that provide opportunities for learning and potentially changing our approach to ensure it fits the needs of the stakeholders. Understanding the views and interest of ones stakeholders can lead to more effective and efficient decision-making. More importantly, it will assist us to gain trust from our stakeholders. Effective engagements are critical to building lasting credibility and trust in one’s organisation and/or product. The product we are pushing which by large is seeking to professionalise teaching is fundamental in the country’s socio-economic developmental agenda.

Our engagement is central to improving accountability within our own organisation as well as to the wider market. Transparency is important and for this reason, we shall be available to engage and discourse with our stakeholders at any given time appropriate. We have developed a robust plan and have started the implementation phase.