The Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) newly appointed Permanent Secretary Ms. Elizabeth Bonolo Khumotaka paid an official courtesy visit to the Botswana Teaching Professionals Council (BOTEPCO) on Wednesday 10th April, 2024 as part of her ongoing familiarization initiative with the Ministry’s state-owned enterprises (SOE’s) and institutions nationwide.
Ms. Khumotaka who joined the MoESD on the 1st of April, explained that her visit to BOTEPCO was fundamental in equipping her with solid information regarding BOTEPCO’s mandate, achievements, and challenges which are instrumental in the 5-year strategic plan that the Ministry is current working on.
Giving an overview of BOTEPCO’s mandate and latest developments since commencing operations in June 2023, the registrar Dr. Raphael Dingalo highlighted that the Council was elated to have been afforded the opportunity to host the Permanent Secretary and her delegation.
He stated the five areas that BOTEPCO is prioritising in setting up so as to professionalise the teacher fraternity being; Stakeholder Engagement, Registration and Licensing System; gazetting the regulations, Teaching Standards, Code of Ethics and Continuous Professional Development Framework. Dr. Dingalo further briefed the PS on the ongoing stakeholder engagement exercise that the council embarked on since October 2023 which prioritised the teaching fraternity nationwide, parastatals, government departments and the current local government councils. In addition, he stated that; “BOTEPCO is currently working round the clock on the “GO LIVE” planning which shall mark the commencement of the teacher registration and licensing process scheduled to take place within this new 2024/25 financial year.”
For her part, Ms. Khumotaka applauded BOTEPCO for having hit the ground running in its establishment process and its vigorous stakeholder engagement exercise, which she highlighted as a strategic and effective approach towards learning, and understanding the needs of the teaching fraternity in order for the council to serve them well, and according to expectations. She further commended BOTEPCO for its continued engagement and consultation of the teacher representative unions in its establishment and stated that her Ministry will ensure that the Council is given all the support it needs to deliver its mandate efficiently for the benefit of the teaching fraternity and the education sector in the country.
The Botswana Teaching Professional’s Council (BOTEPCO) which recently relocated its operational premises to Fairgrounds in Gaborone is a newly established Body Corporate mandated to professionalize teaching by: maintaining professional and ethical standards; registering and licensing teachers; advocating for the teaching profession amongst others.